Home > Dew Shield > 229MM - 249MM > Astromania Flexible Dew Shield for Telescope Front Outer Diameter with 229-249mm diameter-keep dew away and gives you clear observing for entire night
Astromania Flexible Dew Shield for Telescope Front Outer Diameter with 229-249mm diameter-keep dew away and gives you clear observing for entire night
Astromania Flexible Dew Shield for Telescope Front Outer Diameter
• A dew shield is an essential accessory that protects your optical tube from excess moisture forming condensation on the corrector lens. A lens shade also helps block out stray light outside the path of the telescope for better viewing and astroimaging. Astromania dew shield keeps dew away and gives you clear observing for the entire night and protect your optics from dew and stray light. In clear nights, dew is often a real problem. After only a few hours, the optics start fogging, making observations or photography impossible.
• A good dew shield reduces the risk of fogging and extends the observing time. On the inside, dew shields from Astromania Optics are coated with felt which absorbs dew. Dew can be a problem at almost any time of the year. Especially when it's a little cooler, tiny droplets condense out from the water vapour in the air and fog-up the optics of your telescope. The Astromania dew shield keeps dew away and gives you clear observing for the entire night.
- Astromania Flexible Dew Shield - Suitable for Diameter 229-249mm
Dew can be a problem at almost any time of the year. Especially when it's a little cooler, tiny droplets condense out from the water vapour in the air and fog-up the optics of your telescope. The result is that you can no longer see anything clearly and that's it for the night's observing. Astromania dew shield keeps dew away and gives you clear observing for the entire night.
The advantages in a nutshell:
• Compact and Space-Saving
• Stops the Optics From Fogging up
• Velvet Finish and Anti-Reflection Textile Coating
• Adhesive Strap Fastening for a Secure Fit
• Available for Various OTA Diameters
Suitable for Tubes: Diameter from 229 mm to 249 mm Material:Black ABS plastic Contact Surface to the Telescope: Foam rubber Inner Liner:Black felt - light and dew absorbing Height of the Dew Shield:345mm Total Length: 835mm
Solve the Fogging Problem for You
A dew shield keeps the optics completely dew-free and lets you observe for hours with the optimal view. What you have to do? Just attach this flexible dew shield to the front of the telescope and dew is no longer an issue.
Thin and Can be Stored Anywhere
The flexible design is quite practical, as it allows you to slide the dew shield behind a cupboard or next to your eyepiece case - it is optimally space-saving!
Dew-Stop: Velvet Finish on the Inside
The dew shield is lined on the inside with a black velvet-like fabric. This not only minimizes reflections but also ensures that no dew can reach the telescope's optics.
Astromania flexible dew shield are constructed of black ABS plastic and are all felt lined for maximum absorption of moisture and baffling of stray light. Particularly strong attachment to the telescope by non-slip foam rubber at the contact area to the tube.
The flexible design is quite practical, as it allows you to slide the dew shield behind a cupboard or next to your eyepiece case - it is optimally space-saving!
The dew shield is lined on the inside with a black velvet-like fabric. This not only minimizes reflections but also ensures that no dew can reach the telescope's optics.
Height of the dew shield: 345mm, total length: 835mm. Suitable for Telescope tubes with 229 - 249 mm diameter.A dew shield prevents your telescope optics fogging-up in the first place. It keeps the optics completely dew-free and lets you observe for hours with the optimal view.
Flexible Velcro fastener provides optimal adaption to the diameter of the telescope or telephoto lens. Ideal for the transport - the dew shield can be placed space-saving around the tube.Very important if you live in a place that has dew often or if you use your scope in the daytime and want to keep stray light out and the contrast high.